Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Action, Photo documentation Dimensions: 22x22cm June 2018

On the sixth day of ailment, I try to shed the absence of the feeling of sexuality. I start with the fictitious idea of "sexual castration", by which I mean the normalization of backlash, shame and fear of one's own sexual being and I negate it trough action.
Šestog dana bolovanja pokušavam se osloboditi odsustva osjećaja seksualnosti. Polazim od fiktivne misli “kastracija seksualnosti”, koju uzimam kao definiciju normalizovanja zazora, stida I straha od sopstvenog seksualnog bića, te je akcijom pretvaram u negaciju.