Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019
Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Object, Installation Dimensions: 21x31cm Production: Mileva Lela Popović June 2019

Contemporary drawing, Installation January 2018 -

A platform, a universal mind map, a document of "schizophrenic insights". I pasted blank sheets of packaging paper above my bed, and wrote down discourses day and night, excerpting narratives which communicated something on some level. The piece inhabits the border area between the artistic and the mundane, and endeavours to demystify the role of the artist as a genius (the crossed-out text is erroneous), the process of artistic creation itself, as well as the autonomy of art. Change is a constituent part of the piece, it is never finished. The piece itself is a hub which sprouts other, self-contained pieces, which means that all the entries it contains are merely potential initial ideas and can’t be read separately, out of context.
Platforma, univerzalna mapa uma, dokument „šizofrenih uvida“. Nastala je postavljanjem praznog natron papira iznad kreveta gdje sam danonoćno bilježila diskurse i iz njih izvlačila narative koji na određenom nivou komuniciraju. Rad obitava na granici svakodnevnog i umjetničkog, pri čemu nastoji demistifikovati ulogu umjetnice kao genijalne (prešaran tekst su greške), sam umjetnički proces i autonomiju umjetnosti. Promjena je sastavni dio rada, on nikad nije završen. On je čvorište iz kojeg izrastaju samodovoljni radovi što znači da su svi zapisi koje sadrži – tek potencijalne početne ideje koje se ne mogu čitati van tog konteksta.